Master the art of governance
A guide for Kiwi board members
The first NZ specific governance book in a long time
Discover the do’s & don’ts of governance
Gain practical wisdom and insights
Develop leadership skills to help run the organisation effectively
Be a successful director from the word go
Be confident, be effective.
Being a not-for-profit board member is rewarding and a great way to give back to the community, but it’s daunting if you’re not sure what you are letting yourself in for.
Getting to Grips with Not-for-Profit Governance explains the complex world of governance in a simple, digestible way so that anyone can be a useful and effective board or committee member.
New director?
If you are a new director or committee member of an incorporated society’s committee/board, or are thinking about joining one, then this book is for you. Discover what to expect, and equally importantly, what is expected of you.
If you are already on a committee or board and sometimes wonder “Why do we do that?”, then this governance book may well be just what you need.
Check-out what others have to say about the not-for-profit book on governance.
Be confident, be effective - from the word go.
Being a board member is about:
Giving back to the organisation
Utilising your skills and knowledge
for organisational successGaining new knowledge
Intellectual stimulation
Interacting with other leaders
Enhancing social and business networks
Opening doors to other directorships
Governance confidence at your fingertips
Discover what governance in the New Zealand not-for-profit sector is all about. The governance book is an easy read. It covers the existing incorporated societies act, and the new 2022 Incorporated Societies Act, with its “two and a half-year” phase in period.
"In reading this book you will get practical wisdom and insights that will assist you in your director's journey." - Deryck Shaw, Director and Chair, MNZM. CFloD.
About the author, Pierre Woolridge
When I started out as a board member, it was basically done on a “wing and a prayer”. More recently, when I searched the Internet, there did not appear to be any printed books on governance in New Zealand for new board or committee members, available to the public. So, I resolved to write a snappy book on governance for incorporated societies, charities and similar organisations, based on my thirty-two years of being on a variety of not-for-profit boards and committees.
I started writing the book with the theme: How I can help new directors quickly gain an understanding about not-for-profit governance (oversight) and what it means for them.
I’ve been on a variety of not-for-profit boards and committees as a director, committee member, trustee (credit union and school), chair, and treasurer. For many years I worked in the field of strategic and business planning. I have a strong interest in all aspects of organisational oversight/governance. I’ve attended courses, seminars, webinars, and I’m a keen reader on all things on governance.
Here's to your success in the rewarding world of Governance.

This book makes use of my hands-on experience in explaining the complex word of governance in a simple, digestible way so that you too can be successful, excelling as a director.
Getting to grips with not-for-profit governance
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